The Still on Hold hotline was live from November 1, 2020- March 25, 2021 on the San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art’s phone line, while the SJICA was closed due to Covid-19 restrictions. Callers were invited to leave a message, recording the thing that was looping in their minds. Callers could also select from 8 menu options to hear what was looping in others’ heads.
The hotline brought together the looping internal thoughts of a large group of voices. Whether a pop song, advertising jingle, mantra, or worry, the things that circle in our heads often do so in private. Sharing them offers a glimpse of what we absorb, consciously or unconsciously, from our environment (consumer culture, politics, media, family), and the alternately tender and funny ways we cope with the world or try to escape from it.
Thanks to the many people who participated, and to Crosstown Arts and the Joan Mitchell Center, who helped connect me to people in their communities for interviews.
Read the review by Sarah Hotchkiss in KQED’s Do List